Friday, November 11, 2011

I Have Arrived...

In Lewisville, Texas that is. After 5 1/2 hours of drive time, I have checked into the hotel and settled in for the week.

This past week was a blurr. It takes a great deal to leave for 9 days. Schedules were typed up for the girls. Laundry had to be done. Dry cleaning had to be picked up. Carpools, horse lessons and dance lessons had to be communicated. Teachers need to know I was going to be gone. Whew...

I love it when people ask "who is going to help Brent?" No one asks me that when he travels. Suddenly, I am going to be gone and people think he is incapable! The fact is, he is very capable & an amazing Daddy. He has it under control. All is well in Amarillo.

As for me, I did my number drills (from the CD mentioned in my last blog), and I think I am ready as I will ever be. So let me answer a few questions I have been asked.

Is it like camp & you room with someone else? No. I am in a great hotel and have a huge room all to myself! The classes are in the same hotel, so it is very convenient.

Do you have an auction chant before you arrive? Some do, but I do not. I am a blank slate ready to learn from the best. I have the number drills down, but not a chant exactly. Hopefully, that is not a bad thing.

Are you in class all day? We will go from 8am to 7pm everyday according to the literature. I am sure some days will vary, but it is a rough idea of the schedule.

Will Brent be your instructor? YES! At the end of the week, Brent will show up and teach. No pressure, huh? Actually, after being in the auction business for over 10 years, I am going to know a lot of the instructors. I am not sure yet if that is a good thing or a more stressful thing. I will let you know on that one.

Overall, I am ready to start! I am excited and anxious all in one. I am excited about all of the information I will learn & all of the insights I will gain. I am very anxious about the auction chant, but I will work hard at it! Good night, and I will report back tomorrow.

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