Welcome to our new blog! This area will discuss market trends, auction advice and overall insight from our industry. However, it will begin this week chronicling a new journey.
This is Ashley Graves writing, and this week I begin the adventure of going to Auction School. I have been in the auction industry, with Brent, for 11 years, but my role is behind the scenes. You have seen me in the auction trailer when you register. I am the one who prints your invoice at the end of the day. On occasion I clerk your bids, and on even fewer occasions I have been a ringperson. However, I have never called bids! So, why now?
I am protecting what Brent & I have built together. An individual cannot own an auction company in the state of Texas without an Auctioneer License. Therefore, if God forbid we lost Brent, I could not own the business we built. Well, that is completely unacceptable, so here I go to the Texas Auction Academy!
To say I am terrified is an understatement! However, Mike & Lori Jones of the Texas Auction Academy do things right. You receive a CD and a book to start practicing. So my girls and I have been working through the exercises for weeks now. I am still terrified, but at least have some time under my belt in the car.
Stay tuned, and I will let you know what Auction School is like; what you learn, what it feels like and how I progress. Wish me luck!
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