Sunday, November 27, 2011

Estates and A New Prospective

I can not count the number of the estate auctions that Brent and I have done over the past 11 years. I have seen individuals cry as the auction began, and then cry again at the end with joy due to the high price. I have seen family members hate each other. I have seen other families walk with complete love for the belated and each other through the entire process.

This week, I saw the entire process through a different lens. My mother sold her home of 40 years to move into a one bedroom apartment. Suddenly, I was on the other side that so many of our clients are in. I was helping her down size and pack.

However, in the process, my brother and I were given a priceless gift. As we sorted through boxes and memories, I discovered china owned by my great, great grandmother, crystal owned by my great grandmother and a relish dish my Nanny used often. If we had waited until my mother was not fit physically or worst yet dead, I would never have known the stories. I would never know who had owned any of these pieces or the history there.

So many times families sort through the memories without a person to tell the story. We were given the stories and family heritage. What a priceless gift!

I came home with several items, including her china and crystal. Most importantly, I came home with more of my family's story. Please consider this experience with your own loved ones.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Home Sweet Home...

What an amazing adventure these past 9 days have been! I still cannot believe I actually completed Auction School, called bids, performed as a bid spotter, and basically conquered several huge fears.

This final day began with our normal drills. Then, each of us did a final job of selling an imaginary item. After a quick review, we took our final exam. (which was not easy!) The final test was graded on a pass/fail basis, and of course, our entire class passed! The results were followed by Mike and Lori distributing our diplomas, class pictures and class rosters. Whew!

Brent took me to lunch to celebrate, and then we began our 5 1/2 hour drive home. All day long I have been close to tears. I still cannot believe I did it!

I have always admired Brent and his colleagues for their talent, but my appreciation goes much deeper now. Not only are auctioneers masterful salespeople, they master their art of breathing, tone and speed. In addition, they manage a team (bid spotters and clerks) with hundreds of people watching. Many of these professionals carry their talents passed bid calling to complete marketing, managing and accounting of their costumer's assets.

I have watched Brent comfort a group of sisters before their mother's estate was sold, and then watched them crying for joy because Brent got such a high price for her items. We watch some liquidate businesses and farms, others are settling estates and some are dissolving partnerships. In every instance, we get the honor of helping these individual's through difficult times and honor them with doing the best job possible for them.

A final note struck me, some auctioneers are in the business to feed their own egos and pocketbooks. Others are in this industry out of respect and passion for the Auction Method of Marketing. They desire to honor the industry with strong work ethics and strong morales. I pray Brent and I will always be the latter. Congratulations November Class of 2011!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 8: Auction Day!!!!

Today I called the three first items of my life! Mike and Lori Jones host a Fun Auction on the final day to benefit St. Jude's and Scottish Rite Children's Hospitals. Students bring items, and all of the proceeds benefit these two hospitals. I do not know how much money they have raised over the years, but our class raised over $12,000! They have 4 classes a year! Amazing!!!!

So, how was it? Terrifying. A fellow student seemed to sum it up for me. In other instances in front of people,I can practice and know what I am going to say. But, in auctions, nothing is planned and can never be scripted! As long as we have been doing this, no two auctions have ever been the same and they never will be. So, you have to be able to adjust on the fly.

The fact is I did it! I am not sure how great I did, but I did it! This huge monster named Auction Chant was conquered today! I never would have dreamed I could ever do this! I do not have the drive or the desire to ever be a Champion Auctioneer, but I found strength and courage that I did not know I had this week.

I am so ready to see my girls. I am ready for them to see the fruits of my hard work. I am thankful I can appreciate Brent's talents and others like him. I am thankful that I know the courage I needed and that God gave it to me. What a night!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 7: He Is Here!

My guy got here today! I was so excited to see Brent today! I still miss my girls, but it is great to have my guy here.

Today, I almost had a meltdown. I woke up exhausted and done. Then, as we began work on our chants, Jim Sample arrived. He is a close friend of Brent's, and the reason I am at Auction School. Jim is the current President of the Texas Auctioneers Association, and the leading expert on Texas Auction Law.

As I approached my time, I thought my heart would jump out of my throat knowing Jim was there. Then, I went to the front and nerves won as this "Minnie Mouse" voice took over my body. UGH!!! I can't help but wander if I will ever get this chant thing down!

As I thought about Brent being there, I began to freak out again, so I hit the nerves head on! Tonight, Brent let me practice in front of him, so I could just get it over with. Of course, he was supportive and offered great advice. His best advice, just be yourself!

Will I still be nervous tomorrow? Pretty sure I will be, but it was huge to get it out of the way in front of Brent. Tomorrow will be Brent's classes and the Fun Auction! Maybe tomorrow night I will actually feel some relief.

Good night & I will let you know how the Fun Auction goes!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 6: "You Are Right...'

That is what Brent told me last night. (yes, I try to account for each time this is said by Brent to me.) It was after I said that I think it is harder to do the chant in front of all of the instructors we know, as opposed to if I did not know anyone.

I have mentioned before that we have been blessed with numerous friends in the auction industry. Well, I either know, or Brent knows, every one of my instructors. Even when I did not know them, they knew I was Brent's wife. So instead of blending in, the instructors know me. No pressure, right?

Today we did a Progress Report with Mike Jones, one on one. This was very intimidating, close to terrifying. Mike is always supportive and positive, so really I made myself terrified. But, let's be honest. Mike is a major influence in our industry. Thankfully he is a great friend too!

In addition to the Progress Report, we had the crucial classes today. Brandon came from Auction Flex, and showed how any auction software makes the auctioneer's life easier. Then, we went through basic accounting, settlement and sales tax for all auctions. The best part is that I keep coming back with ideas to use. Every class has been very beneficial! We can always learn something, and I have learned a lot of ways to do things better when I get home.

Brent will show up tomorrow, and part of me is excited and the other part is uneasy. I cannot wait to see him! At the same, it will be my first time to call bids in front of him, and he will critique us on Saturday. He has been completely supportive, but this whole idea of calling bids in front him is a little unnerving!

I guess we all have unnerving things on a daily basis. We can choose to stop and give up, or choose to keep moving on to see what God has in store for us. In the past, I have given up a lot. I almost gave up on going to Auction School this week, but I never would seen what I can do! I have faced countless fears this week, and walked away stronger. So if nothing else comes from this week, I know I have much more courage than I ever knew! Just a few more days left!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 5: Switching Roles...

Normally I am the Auctioneer who is traveling and spending time away from home and Ashley is home with the girls, but not this week! Ashley is attending the Texas Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Auction with her class tonight and has asked that I post on the blog this evening.

Really!?? As if I have time to post on this blog - I had to get the girls ready for school, go to work, pick the girls up at school, take Presley to dance lessons, pick her up, go to the grocery store, help Savanna feed horses, cook supper, throw a few loads of laundry in, referee the girl fighting that never ends and answer Presley's 1,500th question of the night!! Who has time to post on a blog? Ashley must think I am just sitting watching Pay Per View and eating Milk Duds - she has NO idea! Meanwhile she is just sitting in class and listening to some of the world's best Auctioneer's teach her how to count - I swear!!

Obviously this week has been a bit of a role reversal for our family as I have been an auction widow while she is away. After 6 days alone with the girls I have learned that I am wrong about most things, laundry does not magically appear in my closet, children will always give you last minute notice and they insist on eating three times a day. I filled my pick-up with Diesel on Monday afternoon, it is Wednesday evening and I am on empty (26 gallons @ $3.99 per gallon!) and have done nothing but run the girls to school and to their activities - who knew two little girls required so many miles every week?

While it has been busy and tiring, the girls have been good and have taken it pretty easy on me. I am pretty sure they know they could double team me and put me down for the count. I think they refrain because they need me to drive them to and fro.

As for Ashley's Auction School experience, the class traveled out of the classroom today to Dallas Auto Auction, which sells thousands of cars through 18 lanes in less than three hours every Wednesday. It is always a highlight for the students to witness Auctioneers who sell three cars every minute. The students spend part of the day in the lanes, in a classroom with some of the Auctioneers and then get to jump in the block and practice. I can only assume they stayed busy as I received very few texts from her today and didn't get the normal lunch time phone call. Until today she has texted me recordings of her chant-and she sounds really, really good. It is a testament to Texas Auction Academy's curriculum as I intentionally would not help her until she completed the course so she could come into her own chant instead of subconsciously trying to repeat mine. She is doing very good and I couldn't be prouder of her. However, I sure wish she would come home:)

On Friday the girls and I will load up and head South. I will drop the girls at their grandpas house in Quanah and then go on to Dallas to teach on Saturday. I really enjoy the time I spend teaching up and coming Auctioneers, but this time will be very special.

Then we can switch back to our normal roles - praise the Lord!!

Biddingly yours,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 4: Starting An Auction Business

Today was dedicated to the basics of starting an auction business. Scott Swenson came in, and offered very real advice. I really wanted him to be frank and honest about how hard it is to get started. He was very honest about the difficulties and the trials, but did not sound overly negative.

As he was teaching, I kept thinking back to 11 years ago. That was when Brent came to me saying he wanted to chase his dream of being an auctioneer. I had never even been at an auction, and my husband was telling me he wanted to walk away from a lucrative career to go into straight commission in an industry I knew nothing about. Oh! Did I mention our first child was due in just a few months too?

Many people do not know how hard it was to get this business going. Our closest friends and family watched the whole thing. Some had their doubts. Heck, at times Brent and I had our doubts! The hardest thing (second only to raising our girls) we have done was start this auction business. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Would I do it all over again? I am honestly not sure. But, it was the path we needed to take.

The Auction Industry has blessed in so many ways. We have made incredible friends. We travelled across America to conduct and work auctions. We have been able to have flexible schedules to be there for our girls. We have been able to work with some of the smartest and most creative people in the world. We have worked as a team towards a common goal.

I have often said that Brent's only possible mistress is named Auction, but she has been very good us. And with age, Brent has been better at not letting her have all of his time.

P.S. My chant is coming along nicely. I never dreamed I would consider calling an auction after this school, but now I think I may just be able to be a hand on the auction line. Who knows?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 3: I am toast...

Yes, the first words my husband said to me tonight were, "You sound like you are toast." I can not lie. It is only day 3, and I am toast.

I am truly amazed at how far all of us have come in such a short time. Seriously, incredible improvements. Even people that arrived with chants, have cleaned their chants up. Since Brent is an instructor, I know the instructors are told to get harder and harder on the students each day. Well, they did today, but it was all great stuff. We are really getting away from the drills and into our personal chants.

As for information, we heard from experts in the antique auctions, as well as the livestock auctions. Honestly, I wish Brent and I had done more in livestock after hearing Doak Lambert today. I love agriculture people! However, with our current business, we still get to work with the people we ag people, so I am thankful where we are and what we have.

So, today I am done. I am toast. I am exhausted! Maybe tomorrow I will have more, but not so much tonight. Good night all!

P.S. if you read this, I would love your comments, so I don't like I am in cyberspace alone. ;)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 2: Encouragement Is An Amazing Motivator

Day 2 has been packed full of information. We have learned the basics of marketing auctions, different types of auctions and auction practices. We are being taught by some of the best auctioneers in the country. Even after being in the auction industry for so long myself, I am learning new things and gathering insights from these successful auction veterans.

How is my bid calling going? Our class is really becoming an encouraging team. We all cheer each other on, and when one stumbles, we all encourage that person. Each one of us has to work on different things, but the point is, we all have work to do. We have all been humbled. Therefore, the playing field is even, and we all want each other to succeed.

Each time I stand before the group, I am feeling more and more at ease. All from my fellow classmates encouraging me, through clapping, cheering and supportive words. Our instructors promised this would happen, and it has!

I have been taking audio recordings of each time I call a bid, so I can work on things and improve. I wish I had taken videos of each one of us on the first day, to show on our graduation. In only 1 day, we have already improved a great deal. I am excited to see where we will be by next Sunday!

Good night! I need my sleep tonight!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 1

I made it! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I called my very first lot today! It was an imaginary lot, but a lot nevertheless. As I walked up, Mike Jones took a few steps back. I am pretty sure my face betrayed me, and he was as confident as I was, that I was about to throw up every where. However, I followed his advice, took a deep breathe and began. I stumbled, I was slow, but I DID IT!

The most intriguing part of the day was the introductions. Every student took a turn and introduced themselves, told where they were from, described their family and explained why they were at Auction School. It was at this point, I felt like a traitor.

Over and over again, students explained how this had always been a dream, to be an auctioneer. Many explained how life was too short to be doing something they hated (being their jobs) for so many hours a day, and it was time to follow their dreams. Some are going to Auction School because it is a natural fit to their current occupations, but many are chasing a dream.

So why did I feel like a traitor? Because, I am not doing it for my dream, but rather to protect Brent's dream and protect something for our daughters' futures. I did imagine Brent all day, 11 years younger & 11 years more naive, stating he was chasing his dream. He recognized at such a young age that life was too short to do something you hated. Little did we know how hard it would be to start an auction company. There were blood, sweat and tears far more than most realize to chase this dream. Likewise, little did we know, the auction industry would lead us to such amazing places and such incredible people!

Then, my dinner was at a sushi bar & I sat reading Ernest Hemingway. My waitress came by, and began bearing her soul to me. (This honestly happens to me a lot!) Stephanie, my waitress, told me she was a Dance Major. I told her my biggest regret was quitting dance. She said she had considered a teaching degree, but dance was her passion and her dream. I told her to never give up on her dream!

When we are doing the thing that makes our hearts beat faster, the thing that makes us giddy with hope, and the thing that brings a huge smile to our face, it is never a waste of time. Sometimes our dreams get tweaked a bit down the road, but never forget or give up on your personal dream. Life is too short to settle for someone else's dream or to forget your dream all together.

Today was a great day! I went against my personal giant (bid calling) and held my own. I learned a great deal about why Brent does certain things that he does, and I met some incredible people. Before I say "Good Night", tell me what is your dream? I would love to know!

P.S. I can not say enough about how Mike & Lori Jones are raising the bar of expectations in the Auction Industry! They challenge each student over and over again to strive for excellence. By doing this, they are making the Auction Industry stronger for all of us.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I Have Arrived...

In Lewisville, Texas that is. After 5 1/2 hours of drive time, I have checked into the hotel and settled in for the week.

This past week was a blurr. It takes a great deal to leave for 9 days. Schedules were typed up for the girls. Laundry had to be done. Dry cleaning had to be picked up. Carpools, horse lessons and dance lessons had to be communicated. Teachers need to know I was going to be gone. Whew...

I love it when people ask "who is going to help Brent?" No one asks me that when he travels. Suddenly, I am going to be gone and people think he is incapable! The fact is, he is very capable & an amazing Daddy. He has it under control. All is well in Amarillo.

As for me, I did my number drills (from the CD mentioned in my last blog), and I think I am ready as I will ever be. So let me answer a few questions I have been asked.

Is it like camp & you room with someone else? No. I am in a great hotel and have a huge room all to myself! The classes are in the same hotel, so it is very convenient.

Do you have an auction chant before you arrive? Some do, but I do not. I am a blank slate ready to learn from the best. I have the number drills down, but not a chant exactly. Hopefully, that is not a bad thing.

Are you in class all day? We will go from 8am to 7pm everyday according to the literature. I am sure some days will vary, but it is a rough idea of the schedule.

Will Brent be your instructor? YES! At the end of the week, Brent will show up and teach. No pressure, huh? Actually, after being in the auction business for over 10 years, I am going to know a lot of the instructors. I am not sure yet if that is a good thing or a more stressful thing. I will let you know on that one.

Overall, I am ready to start! I am excited and anxious all in one. I am excited about all of the information I will learn & all of the insights I will gain. I am very anxious about the auction chant, but I will work hard at it! Good night, and I will report back tomorrow.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Newbie Who Has Been Here 10 Years

Welcome to our new blog! This area will discuss market trends, auction advice and overall insight from our industry. However, it will begin this week chronicling a new journey.

This is Ashley Graves writing, and this week I begin the adventure of going to Auction School. I have been in the auction industry, with Brent, for 11 years, but my role is behind the scenes. You have seen me in the auction trailer when you register. I am the one who prints your invoice at the end of the day. On occasion I clerk your bids, and on even fewer occasions I have been a ringperson. However, I have never called bids! So, why now?

I am protecting what Brent & I have built together. An individual cannot own an auction company in the state of Texas without an Auctioneer License. Therefore, if God forbid we lost Brent, I could not own the business we built. Well, that is completely unacceptable, so here I go to the Texas Auction Academy!

To say I am terrified is an understatement! However, Mike & Lori Jones of the Texas Auction Academy do things right. You receive a CD and a book to start practicing. So my girls and I have been working through the exercises for weeks now. I am still terrified, but at least have some time under my belt in the car.

Stay tuned, and I will let you know what Auction School is like; what you learn, what it feels like and how I progress. Wish me luck!