Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 5: Switching Roles...

Normally I am the Auctioneer who is traveling and spending time away from home and Ashley is home with the girls, but not this week! Ashley is attending the Texas Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Auction with her class tonight and has asked that I post on the blog this evening.

Really!?? As if I have time to post on this blog - I had to get the girls ready for school, go to work, pick the girls up at school, take Presley to dance lessons, pick her up, go to the grocery store, help Savanna feed horses, cook supper, throw a few loads of laundry in, referee the girl fighting that never ends and answer Presley's 1,500th question of the night!! Who has time to post on a blog? Ashley must think I am just sitting watching Pay Per View and eating Milk Duds - she has NO idea! Meanwhile she is just sitting in class and listening to some of the world's best Auctioneer's teach her how to count - I swear!!

Obviously this week has been a bit of a role reversal for our family as I have been an auction widow while she is away. After 6 days alone with the girls I have learned that I am wrong about most things, laundry does not magically appear in my closet, children will always give you last minute notice and they insist on eating three times a day. I filled my pick-up with Diesel on Monday afternoon, it is Wednesday evening and I am on empty (26 gallons @ $3.99 per gallon!) and have done nothing but run the girls to school and to their activities - who knew two little girls required so many miles every week?

While it has been busy and tiring, the girls have been good and have taken it pretty easy on me. I am pretty sure they know they could double team me and put me down for the count. I think they refrain because they need me to drive them to and fro.

As for Ashley's Auction School experience, the class traveled out of the classroom today to Dallas Auto Auction, which sells thousands of cars through 18 lanes in less than three hours every Wednesday. It is always a highlight for the students to witness Auctioneers who sell three cars every minute. The students spend part of the day in the lanes, in a classroom with some of the Auctioneers and then get to jump in the block and practice. I can only assume they stayed busy as I received very few texts from her today and didn't get the normal lunch time phone call. Until today she has texted me recordings of her chant-and she sounds really, really good. It is a testament to Texas Auction Academy's curriculum as I intentionally would not help her until she completed the course so she could come into her own chant instead of subconsciously trying to repeat mine. She is doing very good and I couldn't be prouder of her. However, I sure wish she would come home:)

On Friday the girls and I will load up and head South. I will drop the girls at their grandpas house in Quanah and then go on to Dallas to teach on Saturday. I really enjoy the time I spend teaching up and coming Auctioneers, but this time will be very special.

Then we can switch back to our normal roles - praise the Lord!!

Biddingly yours,

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