Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 3: I am toast...

Yes, the first words my husband said to me tonight were, "You sound like you are toast." I can not lie. It is only day 3, and I am toast.

I am truly amazed at how far all of us have come in such a short time. Seriously, incredible improvements. Even people that arrived with chants, have cleaned their chants up. Since Brent is an instructor, I know the instructors are told to get harder and harder on the students each day. Well, they did today, but it was all great stuff. We are really getting away from the drills and into our personal chants.

As for information, we heard from experts in the antique auctions, as well as the livestock auctions. Honestly, I wish Brent and I had done more in livestock after hearing Doak Lambert today. I love agriculture people! However, with our current business, we still get to work with the people we ag people, so I am thankful where we are and what we have.

So, today I am done. I am toast. I am exhausted! Maybe tomorrow I will have more, but not so much tonight. Good night all!

P.S. if you read this, I would love your comments, so I don't like I am in cyberspace alone. ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are never alone, friend. :) So very proud of you and love hearing what you're learning. Can't wait to hear you "call" on my next visit!
